Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Two Mile HOT run and Leg Day After Bedtime

I slept in this morning! After more unpacking I didn’t want to push my allergies. 

We spent the morning at my brothers while the kids played on their blowup waterslide. They had a blast! 

Then we ran some more house errands and did some more wonderful house work. Can you pick up in the sarcasm. I’m over it. Ha! We are very close. 

Two Mile HOT run

I kind of regretted the sleeping in decision when I went out around 5ish in 90 degrees feels like 98. But I actually enjoy a good sweat so I’ll take it! It was also nice to run in some daylight and get some sun!

Leg Day After Bedtime

I then waited until the kiddos went to sleep and did a leg accessory day workout and some abs. Really proud of myself about sticking to my lifting plan this week! Plan to keep the momentum up! 

Relaxing Dinner

After a lift, I had a nice glass of wine with a healthy dinner. Perfect!

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