EMOM Add-On Workout for Runners – Dumbbell Only
EMOM Add-On Workout for Runners. This workout is a dumbbell only workout. If you don’t have dumbbells most exercises can be done bodyweight, for the deadlifts change to single leg and do those bodyweight! Add-on Workouts are the best for runners. They allow you to fit in strength training when time is tight, and running is your main priority. Strength training is important at all stages of your running journey. Even if time is short and you have to choose your priority, these short add-on strength workouts will help limit injuries and allow your body to keep running longer, further and faster. It is worth the extra time, or little…
Rookie Mistake. Negative Splits!
Kids have been going to bed earlier than normal, which also means waking up earlier than normal. This all results in it being nearly impossible to get in early morning workouts. I’m still making it work. We took a little morning walk and then headed to the pool for a few hours. It is still pretty hot here, but even like two percent down in humidity seems to make all the difference. I was able to hit the roads for my three mile run. The first mile I felt super strong. In super rookie move fashion, I ran way to fast. Add in the heat and sun, and the last…
Spin Bike Ride and Strength Workout for Runners. Feeling Great!
Bike ride and strength work! Check! I did a Peloton App 30min bike ride and it was a nice chance of pace. I had the peloton app a few years ago and had the itch for some spin classes when I was biking last week. I’m really glad I decided to renew the membership. The ride went faster and I worked harder than I did last week. Or it felt that way at least. I followed up the bike ride with 30minutes of strength. I did a lot of single leg/single arm work and movement that engaged my core. I also added in some hip mobility exercises. Strength work that…
3 Mile Run! No Walk Breaks!!
Decided last night to sleep in and wake up with the kids this morning. Welp. Wake up was 5am. Of course. We are allergic to sleep in this house. We had a lazy Sunday morning, went swimming before the rain came in, and the had a nice relaxing afternoon. It was a pretty good day. I was able to sneak in a 3 mile treadmill run. It went great. First run in a long time I haven’t had to stop and walk at all. Felt encouraging! I’m proud of how this week of training went. I completed my workouts when when I didn’t want to, and it really felt awesome…
Double Nap 3 Mile Run. Double Win!
Morning started with a pretty crazy thunderstorm and flash flood warnings at 3am. Which resulted in the entire house being awake bright and early. Only positive if this, was early wake up means guaranteed nap time! I actually took the kids for a ride to try and get a double nap. It was a success! I was able to sneak in 3 miles on the treadmill. I switched recently from the Garmin to the Apple Watch Cellular (so I could run and be at the playground with the kids and feel safe not being glued to my phone. I also wanted less data. I was getting to obsessed). The Apple…
Active Recovery Off Day
Active recovery days work best for me. If I take a day completely off, I tend to not get back into working out. I haven’t figured out why exactly that is, but for now its best to keep moving. Last night was great. Kids went to bed early, I relaxed took a bath and went to bed early. There is nothing like a solid night sleep to make you feel better! We had a slow morning and then went on a four mile walk. It was a pretty great morning! We walked on the same path I ran on yesterday. It has become one of my favorites lately, but I…
Full Body Workout!
Full Body Workout! This workout consists of three supersets. Each superset consists of one upper body movement, one lower body movement and one core movement. Full body workouts are great if you are short on time, or if your training plan has room for two lifts a week. For this specific workout, complete each exercise for one minute. Try doing each of the three exercises in a single superset continuously without resting and then rest between each set. Short rest between sets and a longer rest between supersets. More Resources: More Workouts: HERE Pinterest Boards: HERE
Running for Beginners – 12 Week Plan
First Post & Sign Up HERE **For a Full Calendar or a Personalized Training Plan reach out to us at RunLiftBalance(at)gmail.com **For a Full Calendar or a Personalized Training Plan reach out to us at RunLiftBalance(at)gmail.com Full 8 Week Training Plan with Lifting for Beginners HERE Pinterest Workouts HERE
Running in Humidity is Humbling!
Holy hot! I switched my long run until this morning because it was the last day this week I could get out on the roads. The rest of my runs will be on the treadmill. I waited until a little after 8:30 to get out there. I wanted to wait until the sun came up so I could run on the nearby trail. I paid the price with the heat of the sun. I ended up doing mostly a run/walk, and the last half mile I get like I was going to burn up. BUT! The run is done and it feels good to be building some mileage! 4 miles…
No Sleep Training. Cross Training and Upper Body!
Prayers didn’t work. Wake up call came about 2:30am. Once one child went to bed around 5ish it was too late to sneak in a workout before child number two wakes up for the day. Frustrated and disappointed were the feelings. We made the most of the day. Added in a short morning walk. Then I got in a spin bike ride and a push/pull upper body strength workout. Kept things light and easy again today. I am still dealing with some sinus issues. Keeping things consistent while still letting my body recover from no sleep and being sick. Win, Win! I also thing it is time to invest in…