Training Log

One Word. Proud.

If I had one word to describe todays workout it would be proud. Proud I got out there. Proud I followed the training plan. Proud I pushed back self doubt. Proud I used discipline over motivation. Just proud. That seems to be the overall word for this whole training plan. Doing it for myself is a strong why. I am loving it. When I don’t want to get out there, I remember the why behind it all, and it gets me out the door. 

One word. Proud. Run stats

We got back from a long day at Disney last night where I definitely didn’t eat or drink enough. Top that off with McDonalds on the way home. I was already feeling rough. I was then up all night with a kiddo who just couldn’t settle down. Today was rough. I was very tempted to skip my planned run and just chalk it up to life and move on. I got myself out the door with the promise that if it was bad I could turn around at a half mile, but I needed to get out the door for at least a mile. 

Lucky for me there was a nice breeze and the temperature was more comfortable than it has been. The first mile was super easy. After mile one I told myself I would run out two miles and if needed I would walk run the last two. Overall that is what I did, but I didn’t have that many walk breaks, and the ones I took were short. It was a great run. 


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