Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Day in the Life: Day 1 of Base Training 2.0

Day one of the new training plan! 17 Weeks, using the 10% rule, increasing mileage from 15 to 47 miles per week! At least twice a week strength training and some speed work sprinkled in to avoid boredom and burn out!

Day in the Life. Running Shoes

4:28am: Woke up in a little of a panic. My alarm was supposed to go off around 4:02, but it either didn’t go off, or I turned it off without realizing it (which never really happens for me). 

Either way I got up and rushed a little to get ready! Thankfully I just have to make it out to the garage to the treadmill. 

4:38am: I was on the treadmill ready to run!  I did run fasted the morning, which is not ideal. If I have a run less than 4 miles I usually just hop on the treadmill and go. As my miles start increasing I’m going to really need to step up my fueling game. If you have any quick pre-run fuel ideas, that I can eat and immediately run, let me know! I’m thinking gels or chew would work best. 

Running Treadmill

5:00am: Done with a 3 mile run! The run felt good and I felt strong. Kept the pace around 10:31 for the first two mile and then bumped it to 10:20 for the last mile (I was nervous the kids were going to wake up and I really wanted to finish at least a run!) 

After my run I contemplated getting my lift in but my gym looked like this (see below), so I decided a shower and coffee would win this morning and I would get in a lift this afternoon! 

Morning Coffee

5:45am: Shower done, Coffee Ready… overjoyed that I’m enjoying my coffee in a moment of silence. 

Five Minutes Later: Monitor notification that the kids were waking up. Face smack. But I did get that little moment. I’ll take it! 

We started our day with some Disney cartoons and Milk for them, the rest of the coffee for me! 

Second Coffee and Vitamins

6:57am: First vitamins and water, then a second cup of coffee! 


9:00am: After a slow morning, we packed up and went to SeaWorld for a few hours. We all had a blast!

Day in the Life: Afternoon Coffee and Picky Bar

3:30pm: Made it home from SeaWorld in time for a second cup of Decaf Coffee a Picky Bar!

4:00pm: Had some major toddler melt downs over a lost pacifier. Decided right then that it was time to take it away cold turkey. Send us all the positive vibes Ha! 

Day in the Life: Weight Bench

6:00pm: Was able to fit in a lift. Started with a 10min Strength for Runners from the Peloton App. Then did 4 out out of the 5 compound lifts. Waiting on setting up my Pull-Up bar. It was a quality lift session that I am glad I was able to fit in today!

7:00pm: Dinner and writing this post!

8:30pm: Get ready for bed, and read until I fall asleep!

*I am pumped and super motivated for this new training plan. The difference this time is I have stayed consistent so this isn’t starting from complete zero. AND I am READY. That makes a huge difference with motivation and discipline!

I am also excited to document the journey along the way!

More Training Logs HERE

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