Topic Tuesday

5 Reasons Strength Training will Improve Your Running

Image of Title Strength Training will Improve Running

Strength Training will improve your running. It should be an important component of your training plan. Even if you have time for two ten minute strength workouts. With strength training, something is most definitely better than nothing. Consistency is key!

Below are five reasons strength training will improve your running!

Injury Prevention. 

  • A proper strength training program that complements your running training will help prevent injuries. Strength training will allow you body to stay strong and keep your biomechanics and running form correct as you add distance and volume in your running. As you increase your running volume it is important to keep your muscles, tendons and joints in line to prevent injuries from occurring. Strength training will help this happen.

Strengthens Joints

  • If you want to run for a life time it is important to take care of your body. As you age the impact of running can take a toll on your joints. Lifting weights will help strengthen those muscles and that support the joints and will lesson the toll put on your joints. Allowing you to run for longer!

More Efficient Runner

  • Along will preventing injury, strength training will allow your body to keep efficient and correct running form for longer. This efficiency will lead to more relaxed running, and allow you to slowly increase your pace over time. 


  • You will get faster! Strengthening your muscles allows for a stronger more powerful stride. A powerful and stronger stride will result in faster times. 


  • This might be subjective. However I firmly believe that being able to lift heavy weights brings a level of confidence you can’t get anywhere else. You feel stronger, better and faster. That confidence will translate directly into you running (and life!). 

Find Strength Training Workouts HERE!

8-Week Beginner Program HERE!

12-week Beginner Program HERE!

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