Training Log

Weekly Training Log – December 5th – December 11th, 2022

Back to Weekly Training Log Updates! Weekly Training Log for December 5th – December 11th, 2022. I am opting for weekly instead of daily to allow for more workout posts, and running related posts! This comeback to the running scene has sparked a new passion.

Weekly Running Training Log

December 5th:

Speed work (5x1min Sprints @ 8:00 Pace/2min Jogging Recovery @ 9:13 Pace)

Strength Work (Bench 3×10 @ 45lbs, Deadlift 3×10 @ 75lbs, Squat 3×10 @ 45lbs, Pelvic Floor Abs)

Weekly Running Training Log Run Stats

December 6th: 

Easy Run – 4.05 Miles (9:49 Pace) 

Weekly Running Training Log

December 7th: 

Speed Work: 2x 0.5 Mile Tempo (8:34 Pace)/ 0.5 Mile Jog (9:31 Pace)

Strength Work: 3×8 (Step-ups, Single Leg RDLs, Glute Bridges, Reverse Lunges, Kettlebell Swings) Pelvic Floor Abs 

Weekly Running Training Log - Disney

December 8th:

Off – Walked around Disney 

Weekly Running Training Log

December 9th: 

Easy Run – 3 Treadmill Miles

December 10th: 

Long Run – 6.73 Miles

December 11th: 

Easy Run – 4.04 Miles

This week was the start of a new training block for me. I took some time off after our Thanksgiving 5k Turkey Trot. I am back to trying to get my speed back. Slowly and safely! 

I haven’t picked my next race yet, but going to get in at least a four week block of consistency and then decide how long I want this training block to last, and if I will have it end with a time trial or a race. 

Either way I’m still excited about the process! 

Next week will be very similar to this week, I am going to increase each speed session by one interval, and keep the pace the same. 

All Project Fast 5k Posts: HERE

More Training Log Posts: HERE

Pinterest: HERE

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