Training Log

Weekly Recap – Jan 1st – 7th

This week was at the start of a new training plan for me. I have done the on and off sort of yo-yo training for a long time now. YEARS. I decided that I was going to be a New Years Resolution person this year. 

Main Goal: Get back into true racing PR shape for the first time postpartum. Prioritize my personal goals outside of motherhood!

Goal: Set Postpartum PRs in All Distances. (Disclaimer: Most of this will be easy because I haven’t raced much postpartum)

Goal: Run at least one 5k, 10k, Half Marathon, and I would like to do a full marathon by the end of the year, but that will be based on training. I have big goals, but I want to take things smart! 

This week was a reminder that the right mindset, as well as, the right training plan can really propel you forward. I am going to ride the motivation wave for as long as I can, and then switch over to discipline. 

I have used the being in the thick of motherhood as an excuse for too long. It’s time to focus a little bit on myself and set some big goals again! My boys are 4 (5 in Feb) and 3, we are getting towards the end of the “thick of it” phase. One is in school five days and the other three days. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel! 

Back to this weeks recap!

Monday January 1st:

Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
Monday – 30min Run

30min Run – About 2.78Miles . I have decided to use the Peloton App and Apple Watch for the first part of the year. I like the minimal stats I get, and not knowing how accurate they really are! I have used Garmin for years. I changed to an Apple Watch last year, because I like the safety of having a phone on my wrist when I am alone with my kids. I might eventually switch back, but right now I am enjoying the Apple Watch and taking some pressure off the stats! 

Tuesday January 2nd:

I added in a two a day today! 

AM Workout – 

Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
5min Warm-Up
Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
30min Bike Bootcamp
Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
5min Core

I started with a 5min warm-up. I have been doing the Peloton warm-up for runners classes. It’s been perfect. Holds me accountable and keeps me from cutting the warm-up short! 

I then went into a Bike Bootcamp. A mix of strength and cardio. I did a peloton class with a little modification on the go. 

PM Workout – 

Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
10min Warm-Up
Weekly Recap - Jan 1st - 7th
30min Run

Early evening I went out for a 30min Tempo Run. It was a mostly easy run with 3x3mins at Tempo Pace. I’m still working out what my paces really are, so this was more of just a harder effort. 

The run felt great and it’s always nice to add in some faster work! The two a day actually felt better than expected and I might do that once a week with some cross training if my schedule lets me! 

Wednesday January 3rd:

30Min Strength for Runners

Started the morning with a walk around the neighborhood. We hit a new milestone today and my oldest walked with me instead of going in the stroller. Equally sad and excited about the change! 

We headed to Disney for a few hours. We walked around Disney Springs and then went to the RunDisney Expo. The WDW Marathon was this weekend. There will always be something special about a race expo, and the RunDisney expos are like no other. Everyone is just there to have a good time! It was fun to be a part of it. 

When I got him I got in a 30min Strength for Runners Peloton class. Perfect mix of mobility and runner specific strength. It was the last thing I wanted to do when I got home, but having a training plan and something listed for the day was all I needed to get it done! 

Thursday January 4th:

10min Warm-Up
30min Run

Run Day! It’s been a little hard not jumping into full running days, but taking things slowly. Lifting and cross training are almost a higher priority right now. 

Today however was a run day! I had to wait until later in the evening. This is alway really hard for me, it’s always a mental game between sitting on the couch and getting out the door. 

I go back and forth with myself if I should get up early and run in the dark outside in the mornings, or wait until the evening when it’s light out. I also go back and forth on if the two extra hours of sleep after a night of the toddlers waking up is worth it or if just getting up is better and those are just excuses. I haven’t figured out what I think yet! Ha! 

Anyway! Today was a 30min run with 3x5min pick-ups. The pick-up paces were a little slower than the tempo pace from Tuesday. The run felt strong and controlled!  

Friday January 5th:

Mid-Day Walk
30min Strength for Runners

I set my alarm for an early workout. Had a great night sleep. Got up with my alarm. Then decided to enjoy a cup of coffee in silence before the kids woke up. Best decision I made in a long time! 

After getting some work done I realized the weather was perfect. 75 and sunny. We have had a lot of dreary days in central Florida over the last month or so. With the sun shining and warm weather, the kids and I went for a 45min walk and it was perfect! 

While this kids were eating dinner I did a 30min Strength for Runners class. More mobility and strength specific for runners. These workouts are a struggle for me to get through, but I am committed because I know it will greatly improve my running!

Saturday January 6th:

20min Recovery Run

Today was a very easy 20min recovery run. I thought I was going to sneak out before the rain, but ended up running in the drizzle. Actually felt pretty good! After I finished my son decided he wanted to run in the rain too. We added another half mile around the neighborhood and I loved every second of it! I love getting my workouts done before the kids wake up, but having them join in for the cool down is a reason I might keep a few run days in the afternoons! 

Sunday January 7th:

10min Warm-Up
4 Mile Long Run!

Long Run Day! Building things up slowly. I am starting my long runs at 4 miles. Today was nice and easy. HR under 150. Paces around 11:00min/mile. It was the perfect run. I felt like I could run forever, I didn’t feel like I needed to stop at all and at no point did I want to quit. Perfect end to the first week of training! 

Excited for next week! Also excited to keep myself accountable with daily instagram recaps and weekly blog recaps! 

How was your week of training? 

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