Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Week 8 Recap

Without sounding like a broken record. I am proud again for this week. It has been harder to plan runs with family in town and unpredictable toddler schedules. I was able to hit my training plan goals this week, after making a few needed adjustments. 

Week 8 Recap. Stroller Run

Week 8 Recap:

Monday: 4 Mile Easy Run

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: 4 Miles with Progression Run in Middle (9:13-8:13 Pace Increasing every 0.5Miles) & Lift

Thursday: Off

Friday: 6.5 Miles Stroller Run

Saturday: 3.5 Mile Easy Run & Lift

Sunday: AM 4 Miles – PM 2 Miles

TOTAL: 23.5

(My Lifts were the 4 basic compound lifts, Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Shoulder Press. 3×8). 

I am proud of myself that I still hit my mileage goal while still prioritizing the minimal sleep we have been getting. (Toddler decided to start climbing out of his crib, awesome) 

I fit in a two a day, to add in the extra mileage and it was perfect. Easy on the body while staying consistent. 

Things are finally settling down a little before we close on our house in week. I have one week of hopefully creating some type of routine, while also packing. 

Things should get extra interesting here soon. 

I am ready to finally be settled after four years of feeling like we are all over the place. I am determined to stat consistent throughout the entire moving and renovation process. Past me would have just stopped everything and used the millions excuses I will have to slack on my running and training plan. This time I am determined to be as consistent as possible. Even if it isn’t perfect, I am ready to not lose fitness during this process. Not losing fitness also means not losing my mind! 

Bring it on Week 9!

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