Training Log

Successful Long Run!

Yesterday I did a very slow 30mins on the treadmill.

Easy 30mins

This morning was a long run success. I went back and forth all last night and even on my way to the trail, just how far I wanted to run. I was thinking between 5-7. I decided on 6 with at least 2 miles on the harder side.

Long Run Success

The run ended up being a huge success. I felt great. I am still majority struggling with keeping a consistent pace. I try so hard, yet I am just so bad at it. 

Mile splits

I kept the first mile very easy, picked up the pace a tiny bit but still very easy the second mile. Mile 3 and 4 were at more of a tempo pace. I tried to keep it consistent but with trying I ended up in more of a fast/slower type style running. Next time I will set my watch to a workout and just run my feel until I get notified to stop.  

The last two miles were a moderate pace. Which after the pick-up felt pretty easy. That was a nice surprise! The paces are slowly coming down! 

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