Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Slow Morning and Three Mile Run

Started today out with a slow morning, and ended with a three mile run. I decided that I wanted to run outside for my three miles today. Get some extra sunshine! If I want to run outside I have to wait until the afternoon. Oh toddler life. 

Morning coffee
Coffee and Thomas

We started the morning with coffee and some Thomas. It’s a a nice relaxing morning. 

Then we headed to pre-school class! Perk of visitors my youngest got to stay home and play, and I got to enjoy a second cup of coffee kid free! 

After class we headed to spend a few hours at the zoo! 

Spend a few hours relaxing and hydrating during nap time and then headed out for a three mile run in the peak of the heat. Not my smartest decision, but it was a great run. 

Three mile run
You can tell by my heart rate I’m still sick and it was super hot and humid!

Kept the pace pretty fast, not on purpose, but it still felt good to get some pick up! The heat was brutal and the humidity was worse than I thought it was going to be. I am glad I got the run in and the extra sweat and vitamin D really helped. 

Tomorrow I think I will sneak in a morning run before the day gets started!

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