Training Log

Project Fast 5k – The Start

First Time Trial Post HERE

I woke up early to kick start the new training plan. I guess you could say I am excited. 

I have decided for this training block I am going to substitute my off days with active recovery. This will include a mix between peloton classes (walk/run, recovery low impact bike) and longer walks. Right now I believe that is what is best, but I will listen to my body along the way and make adjustments. 

I have a full draft of my training plan until a 5k on Thanksgiving. The first week is finalized, and depending on how it does I will finalize the following weeks. 

Project Fast 5k - The Start Run Stats

Mondays will be a recovery day. Today I did a 30min walk/run Peloton class. It was exactly what I needed. 

Disney Picture

We then spent the day walking around Disney. 

Tomorrow I am going to test out my first speed interval working in a very long time. So long I can’t remember the last time I attempted any type of workout. I am beyond excited. 

All Project Fast 5k Posts: HERE

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