Lauren's Journal

Night and Day Difference

Morning workouts result in a night and day difference of a day for me. 

I had just an okay night of sleep, but I was solo parenting today and if I wanted to get a run in I needed it to be before the kids woke up. I don’t know why I don’t just make it a priority all the time. My days are night and day better when I run first thing. I’m a better parent and I have more energy. I need to make it a priority! 

Night and Day Difference. Morning Run.

My day started around 4:30am. I ran three miles on the treadmill. Still keeping things slow and easy while my right leg heals. 

After my run I moved into the living room to try and get a strength session in. I was able to get in a 20min Leg workout and get in a shower before the kids woke up!

Night and Day Difference! Lift TIme!

Great Morning!

Morning Coffee and Hydration!

The kids and I then enjoyed some coffee and milk and a slow morning before we got ready for the day. 

We went to a pre-school class for my older toddler and my younger one and I played in the play area while we waited. After class we headed to the trampoline park. It was amazing for my older one, my younger one was scared to death. I think we are going to try it again later this week to see if we can concur some fears! It was an amazing way to burn off some energy! 

My night ended with some TENS unit on my leg, massage gun, foam roller … and ice cream. 

We close on our new house tomorrow! There will be a morning run before! 

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