Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: July 19th-July 25th, 2021

Last Weeks Training Log

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This week had a few more downs than up, but it was another semi-solid week of training. One thing I am proud of is that when I took some unplanned time off I didn’t just stop all training for the week. In the past I would have just called it quits and started fresh again on Monday of the next week.

I had two solid days of training on Monday and Tuesday, then I know I didn’t fuel or hydrate correctly after. This led to feeling dead on Wednesday. I decided to try out a quick lift and stopped halfway into it, because I knew it was going to do more harm than good. On Thursday I decided that a walk to get my body moving and heart rate up a little was the best option. Saturday called for my long run and I was able to get back on track. Five miles on the treadmill. I kept the pace on the slower side, but I didn’t have to stop and walk at all. Big win for my training! Sometimes I choose to run on the treadmill instead of going outside to make sure I am keeping the pace slow enough.

Still excited about training and enjoying the slow progress and listening to my body!

This Week:

Training Log. Monday's Run.

Monday, July 19th: Walk: 2 Miles & Run: 4 Miles 

Training Log: Walk

Tuesday, July 20th: Walk: 3.7 Miles & Run: 20 Min Interval Peloton Class (1.73 Miles)

Inspirational Quotes on the Walking Path. "Keep Going"
Inspirational Quotes on the Walking Path. “Keep Going”

Wednesday, July 21st: Walk: 1 Mile Strength: Half Leg Day. *I was extra tired and sore. I started my workout with a one mile walk on the treadmill to try and loosen my muscles up. Once I started the lift I knew that I was just going to cause more damage than good if I continued. 

Thursday, July 22nd: Walk: 4.5 Miles. *Didn’t run or lift to make sure my body was recovering! 

Top of Mountain on Hike

Friday, July 23rd: Other: Long Hike. *Hiked up to the top of a mountain. Fun cross training!

Saturday, July 24th: Run: 5 Miles 

Training Log: TRX Workout

Sunday, July 25th: Other: Peloton Bike Ride Strength: TRX Full Body Lift. 

Goals for Next Week Training: 

Continue to listen to my body and not feel guilty if I need extra rest days. 

Get in more cross training if possible. Shorten walks if I need too. 

Get into a better routine with Pelvic Floor Abs. Need to start making them a priority again! 


How was your training this week?

What are your goals for next week??

Do you keep a training Log?

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