Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: July 12th – July 18th, 2021

Last Weeks Training Log

All Past Training Logs

Training this week had both positives and negatives. Overall it was another solid week and I am still loving my training and the slow build up of endurance. The strength training program that I am following has made adding in lifting so much more enjoyable, and I actually look forward to it! It is basic and simple, and I like that. I am also enjoying keeping it the same week after week, I can see myself progressing and really noticing myself getting stronger.

Progressive Overload is not something to be overlooked. I am using it in both my strength and my running during this endurance build up. The improvements are noticeable!

This Week:

Monday, July 12th: Run: 2 miles & Strength: Upper Body (added two more reps)

Upper Body Lift

Tuesday, July 13th: Walk: 3 Miles Run: 15 Min HIIT (1minRun/1min Jog) & Strength: Lower Body (added two more reps)

Training Plan - Lower Body Lift

Wednesday, July 14th: Off

Thursday, July 15th: Walk: 3 Miles & Run: 4.5 Miles

Training Plan Running Outdoor. Training Log

Friday, July 16th: Off 

Saturday, July 17th: Other: 30 Min Peloton Ride. (More thoughts about cross training here!)

Sunday, July 18th: Run: 1.5 Miles *Today was a MAJOR off day. Life stresses got in the way and my anxiety was in overdrive. It has been super rainy here this weekend. The long run was going to be a treadmill run. I knew I could tackle it, I just did 4.5 miles on Thursday, I was only trying to add 1.5 more miles. I started off slow and knew within the first half mile that if I pushed it I would regret it. It was obvious that my body was working in overdrive already and it was best to cut the run short and let my body recovery. My goal is to take the afternoon and night very slow, unwind, take a long shower, and hope I feel better in the morning. If I feel better, I may try and tackle the long run in the morning.

I’m still fueling with UCAN and I am still loving it. I’m also going to start adding back in some NUUN to the mix. That has always aided in my recovery.

Goals for next week:

Stay consistent with training plan. Get in at least two bike rides for cross-training. Add a third day of lifting.

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