Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: August 30th – September 5th, 2021 & Blood Sugar Update

Previous Blood Sugar Updates

Previous Training Logs

It’s been a long time since my last blood sugar update. I’ve been tracking here and there. Mostly checking fasting numbers. My numbers are definitely trending down. As my running increases the numbers seem to correlate down. When my running decreases the numbers seem to slowly start to rise again. I do need to get back to a stricter diet to really reverse and lower my A1c and fasting numbers. This needs to happen before I jump into the prediabetic range. Or even worse into full type 2 diabetes.

After a weekend with a sugar overload, I think my body is screaming at me to make a commitment and stick with it!

I have a tendency to have an all in approach. I’m going to try and change that this time around. In the past I would have created a meal plan for the day that was strict and then I would hit about 3pm and fail. Since I am not in the need to do a drastic change to fix my blood sugar levels, I’m going to ease into it by making small changes. Limiting the snacks throughout the day, changing them to high protein. Changing my carb sources in meals to mostly veggies, and adding in more water.

This week is going to be slowly easing into a new normal. I don’t want it to feel like a diet and I’m restricting I want it to be something that is sustainable.

After this week I am going to start tracking my blood sugar levels again, four times a day. Fasting, after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Here’s to getting my health back on track! I am thinking I might start loosely keeping a food journal here, it will not only keep me accountable, but it will allow me to look back and see what foods make me feel the best in both my workouts and life!

Training Log

This week was another down week for me. We are in the process of getting the house ready to sell. The stress and anxiety along with it, as well as, what seems like the never ended list of things I should be doing is taking over. I am going to give myself next week a little slow too, then I am going to jump back into full training for the 10k. Promising myself I am going to make it happen this week!

I was able to do a ton of yard work, which might be harder than any lifting workout I have done in a while!

Thursday – 4.5 Mile Walk

Next week will be another down week, I will hopefully get in a few walks and runs and then starting on the 13th I will get back to a full schedule. Also starting on the 13th I am going to start tracking my blood sugar levels four times a day. This will allow for some accountability during the stressful time of the move. A way better Training log and blood sugar update will be coming in two weeks!

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