Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: The Long Run Feeling

I feel. Accomplished. Unstoppable. Tired. Exhausted. Energized. All at the same time. There really is nothing like it.

It has been YEARS since I have stepped out with the intension of doing a ‘long’ run. Which I define as anything longer than my current training runs. I am VERY slowly building up my mileage after years of yo-yo training. I am currently doing three miles at a heart rate under 150 for my mid-week runs. Today I stepped out and did my five-mile-long run. I kept the pace over 10min miles until the last mile and let myself go off feel. I finished around 6:53 pace (which is why I need to set limits! Ha!).

I needed to document this run and how I was feeling because I know things will get harder and not every run will not be great. Today wasn’t anything amazing, I stopped and walked a bunch, I was out of breath and my legs were sore BUT I felt wayyy better than I was expecting too and I DID IT! I got out there and didn’t make any excuses and ran further than I have in YEARS.

Cheers to the Long Run Feels!

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