Lauren's Journal,  Lifestyle

Lauren’s Journal – Day 3

Anxiety is a funny thing. For me it comes and goes all day every day. Yesterday was a great day, but them as I went to bed. Boom! Anxiety hit and I laid in bed just replaying everything negative in my life over and over again until it was 3am and I still hadn’t fallen asleep. So I decided to turn off the alarm and wake up with the kiddos and do my work out after they went to bed. It worked out amazing because they both slept until 7:15!

I work up determined to make today a great day. Fake it till you make it right?!

I have decided that the kids and I are going to attempt the 1000 Hours Outside ( this year. I tend to stay inside a lot during the winter months… because it is a lotttt of work to get everyone dressed when its 20 degrees outside… but we are going to make an attempt to get outside at least once a day!

We started today, and spent about an hour running around the yard this morning and then another hour this afternoon. We all loved it. It was cold and gloomy but the fresh air was still nice!

I worked out tonight after the kids went to bed. I am going to try and get back to morning workouts tomorrow, I just love them so much more.

*1st Phorm iPhone App

I did another 1st Phorm workout. Chest & Back. I can already feel myself getting stronger. I can’t wait to throw some good runs into the mix. I do like a good strength training workout, but running will always be my first love. And I miss the good sweat. Treadmill should be up and running in 7-10 days. I am counting the seconds!  

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