Lauren’s Journal: Day 2
Sleep in our house is finally clicking for both kids. Both kids sleeping through the night translated to my first morning workout in what feels like forever! I thrive in the morning. It is my favorite time of the day. I was up at 5:15 ready to workout by 5:30. My 1st Phorm challenge workout today was a 30 minute EMOM. Morning Workout and an EMOM. I was here for it today. I even finished with enough time to work on my UESCA Certification while drinking a cup of coffee in silence. It was a great way to start the day!
My nutrition game was even better today than it was yesterday. I am just trying to make simple small daily changes that will hopefully result in better habits over time. I naturally eat a healthier diet about 70% of the time and then enjoy the rest of the time. I would like to move that up to the 80% range. One way I have been doing this is instead of snacking in the afternoon after Lunch, I make myself a hot chocolate. I make this with half scoop 1st Phorm Level 1 Milk Chocolate and half school 1st Phorm Level One Peppermint Bark. It is pretty amazing.
I ordered the Greens, Reds and Micro Factor vitamins that I will start adding to my day when they arrive later this week. I am excited to supplement my diet for a little extra push!
Overall today was a great day! I am now off to lay out my clothes for a morning workout tomorrow! Crossing my fingers and toes we get two kids to sleep through the night again!
Treadmill update: repair man comes tomorrow. Saying lots of prayers it’s an easy fix!