Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: Checking my Ego

Things are starting to click this week. I feel great! I have had a strong week of training this week. Nothing crazy, but strong for me. The fact that I still feel motivated and full of energy on Friday Afternoon is HUGE for me! Usually by Friday I am ready to crawl into bed at 9am and sleep for days. I woke up at 5am this morning (thank you child for never sleeping in *sarcasm), and I feel full on energy.

My early riser

A few things that I changed this week with my training.

  1. Keeping everything easy! All my walks with the kids are a little bit slower, all my runs are WAY slower and under 150 Heart Rate. My lifts are shorter two sets instead of three. I am allowing my body to get in a routine and slowly chip away at fitness levels, while giving it time to recover.
  2. Fueling! I am eating WAY more food. I don’t count calories, but I have added a huge chunk each day. Some good calories, some treats that my body was craving. I also have been testing out UCAN products and I think they have been helping a lot. I feel like I have noticed a difference in stabilizing my blood sugar levels. I am still new to the products so I am going to keep testing them you!
  3. Recovery! I have taken the time to stretch after workouts, or when I am on the ground playing with the kiddos I will sneak in a few minutes of stretching here and there.
  4. Sleep! I have always been a early to bed early to rise type of person. But I have also always struggled to sleep. I noticed the previous two weeks that when I was exerting myself and not eating enough I had trouble sleeping. I now make sure I get enough calories and water throughout the day, and I also added in a drink at night with magnesium in it and that seems to just calm my body down. I have been sleeping great!

I am excited about my long run tomorrow and to see how I feel!

Follow along with my weekly training logs! Here!

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