Training Log

I Felt Like I Could Run Forever

I felt like I could run forever. That was one of the runs you long for. You dream about. I can’t believe it happened on the treadmill after a long few days. If we are being honest I had to bribe myself to get out there, I came up with a long list of reasons it was okay to take the day off. Told myself that I could just start and if I wanted to stop I could after a half mile.

I Felt Like I Could Run Forever Running Stats

I found an old documentary video on the FloTrack archives (Link to FloTrack YouTube Jenny Simpson Video). It was just what I needed. Something about watching someone else push for their dreams gives you some extra motivation.

Once I hit the half mile mark, I felt great. The pace was perfect. I felt like I could run forever. Runs like this are the reason I love running! If it wasn’t so late at night or I would have just done my long run tonight!

I am beyond proud of myself for sticking with running again through the tough build up phase. I have been on a yo-yo pattern of running for so long now. When things get hard I take too many days off until I am starting from zero again. I am now passed that point, and I am on my way to faster times!

Going to bed tonight…Excited and Proud.

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