Training Log

Five Miles – Getting Faster!

Five Miles this morning. I felt pretty good through 4. The last mile was a struggle. But we did it all. New shoes and a B12 shot sure did help the pace. 

Five Miles - Getting Faster! Run Stats

I decided to run by feel and run as long as possible, or at least till the half way turn around point to walk. Aside from a stoplight in the first mile I succeed. I ran the first 2.5 miles at a decent pace, then walk/ran for a half mile. I tried to push the final two miles again today. I struggled a little with this. The paces show I pushed it a little, but I had more walking than I would have liked. 

I am going to add strides after my long run on Saturday!

I am really enjoying my training and I am feeling more and more like myself with each workout. I knew I lost a part of me when I stopped running, and even more with pregnancy and kids, but I didn’t realize just how much. That’s a whole different post for a different day. All that to say it’s amazing to do something for myself. 

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