Training Log

Easy 3.5; Daylight Savings Time Change is Rough!

Easy 3.5 miles this morning. Was planning for 3-4 miles so I was right in the middle! Daylight savings is causing some issues with our toddlers. My oldest woke up when I was about 2 miles in. I had to pause quick and put him back to bed. We are trying the don’t leave until the light turns green trick. Today was day one. It resulted in him waking up his brother and everyone awake at 5am. But! They pointed to the light that I turned green, when I finally gave up and opened the door. I am taking that as progress.

After the early wake up from the kids, I’m so glad I decided to get up to run again. It’s nice to be awake even at least five minutes before the kids. 

Actual Distance was 3.5 Miles & Pace was 10:54.

Today was a very easy run. Around 10:54 per mile (5.5mph on my treadmill). This is my sweet spot for easy runs. It’s where I feel the most comfortable and the pace where I can run forever. My heart rate stays low-ish and the pace is very conversational. Perfect. It is nice to feel your easy pace so down too, I could probably run a little faster and it still feel very easy. For now I will keep it extra comfortable and slow with hopes that my heart rate will lower over time.

Tomorrow I really need to do a lift. I have never really had an issue lifting, because I truly enjoy it. Once I made the goal to make running a much larger priority. The time commitment of running more and the kids has been a challenge. I need to get in at least one quality lift a week and sprinkle in smaller quick movements after shorter runs.

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