Topic Tuesday

Can Walking Make you a Better Runner?

Walking during running always seems to have a negative spin, or something that it only for beginners. Walking can and will make you a stronger runner! Below find three reasons why adding walking to your routine could help with your running!

Walking can make you a stronger runner! Walking Trail

Three Reasons Walking Can Make You A Better Runner

  1. Helps Prevent Running Injuries – Walking allows you to strengthen the same muscles used while running (quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes) without the same stress as running.
  2. Increase Endurance – This can be done by using the run/walk method or by adding straight walks into your training plan. Both allow you to increase lung capacity, strengthen feet and leg muscles and mentally prepare your body to run longer.
  3. Better Recovery – As mentioned above walking is less stress on your body, while still increasing blood flow and heart rate. Adding a run after a hard run day allows your body to actively recover. Increasing blood flow and slightly increasing your heart rate can actually allow your body to recover faster than if you sit all day.

Give it a Try! Add walking into your weekly routine. Add a walk on an active rest day. Use walking as a form of cross training. Increase your long run by a mile and use the run/walk method!

Walking can make you a stronger runner! Walking Trail

When you are going out for you next run and your body is feeling extra tired and sore. Remember that Walking can make you a stronger runner! Maybe double the time of your run and walk instead!

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