Training Log

Awesome Five Miles & A Terrible Day!

Today ended up being a total disaster. The only thing that went well was my five mile run this morning. I started strong, took it easier for mile 2 and 3 and then tried to push it a little for mile 4 and 5. It ended up feeling really good. I did still take some walk breaks but only about 20seconds each. Most of the walking breaks are mental I think. My heart rate isn’t spiking too high. I will say today my legs were a little sore. I am ready for my new shoes to arrive tomorrow. Most of my runs are on the sidewalk and pavement, my legs take a lot of impact.

Awesome Five Miles & A Terrible Day!

After my run is when things really started to go downhill. Rough day for the kids, scammed by the dentist. The whole day was kind of a disaster.

I ended the day with a few drinks. I really contemplated running again. If my legs weren’t sore this morning I definitely would have. 

Pity Party Over. Tomorrow is a new day!

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