Topic Tuesday

Why Squats Are Important for Runners!

Are squats great for runners? I feel like all runners have heard many times that squats can benefit your running, or you hear the opposite that squats can hurt your knees. The real question is, are squats the secret sauce to your running?! 

I think yes! First you have to make sure you have correct form. Stick with bodyweight and very light weights until your form is perfected. Even after you have worked on your form, periodically check in with video or mirrors to make sure you are sticking with the correct. Wrong form can cause injury and muscle imbalances, form is extra important! 

Okay with that out of the way. Why are squats so important for runners. 

Why Squats Are Important for Runners!

Squats Strengthen Your Legs – squats are a compound movement that work many core leg muscles. Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves and Quads. All which are essential for better and faster running. 

Squats Increase Explosive Power – explosive power will allow your legs to have more force to run faster, and stronger uphill running.

Squats Help Knee Stability – squats help the mobility of your knees, which creates better knee stability. This translates directly to your running create a better more stable and controlled stride. 

Squats Reduce Risk Of Injury – as mentioned above, squats help with mobility and stability. They also allow your legs to hold a higher volume of stress and pressure. Allowing you to run faster and longer! 

Squats Increase Body Awareness – runners know how important knowing your body is. Squats help you create more body awareness with the form and movements. This translates to being more aware of your body movements when running. 

Give this squats only workout a try here! 

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