
Why I am going back to base training

I was ready to dive right into Project Fast 5k. I had done one round of base training (Read about it HERE) and started to really get into a grove with Project Fast 5k (Read about it HERE). THEN life hit. 

Starting Over
“Never feel guilty for starting over” – Rupi Kaur

Let’s go back to the beginning.

I have been on a yo-yo come back for YEARS! I could just never get myself back into the groove after stopping competitive running with a coach and team. A car accident followed by two kids in two years, life got in the way. 

I always kept working out, but never consistent enough to make any progress. Fast forward to a move down south, warm weather, and a mindset shirt. I started to really commit. That’s when I knew something was a little off. I just didn’t feel right. 

Bring in the Doctors!

It first started with getting blood work at the doctor in August 2022. I knew something wasn’t right with my body. I knew I wasn’t  in perfect shape, but I was feeling way more run down and sluggish than I should have. Plus some other concerning symptoms, blood work was my first step. Even if it was just for peace of mind. 

I received my blood work results in September 2022. I found out I was deficient in B12. After some more research and speaking with the doctors, this deficiency could be causing a lot of my problems. I was given a B12 injection that day and started supplementing with a B12 supplement daily. I felt a difference almost immediately. Then it slowly started going back to how things were before. 

I went back in December 2022 to get my B12 levels rechecked. They were a little higher but not at an optimal level yet. This went in line with how I felt. After the injection I felt great and then things went down hill again about a month later. During this time I was consistently running and keeping up with low mileage and small lifts, nothing crazy but I was definitely seeing forward progress for the first time in a LONG time. 

Next Steps

I started with double doses of B12 supplements, more B12 food sources, B12 monthly injections and a two week low FODMAP diet to see if I could find any triggers that were causing my body to not absorb nutrients correctly. I found that my body doesn’t handle artificial sweeteners or onions.

I’m going to restart the two weeks with my training plan on Monday. I want to give my body another reset before my next B12 injection shot. Hopefully that leads to better and faster absorption. 

While I took a break from more serious training to get my vitamin deficiency under control. I was staying consistent, and I have made progress forward in my fitness. Now that I have a root cause and a path to fixing the issue, I’m ready to start back again more seriously. Starting right back into project fast 5k seemed like it wasn’t smart. The risk of injury to high. Instead I’m going to do another round of base training with a long term plan of starting to race in the fall. 

My Plan:

Monday Feb. 6th, I’m starting a 17-week base training. It will build from 15 miles per week to 47 miles per week. It will include two full-body strength days. I am following the 10% rule to build weekly. Speed works days are sprinkled throughout the plan. I will keep them moderate throughout the 17 weeks. Just enough to keep the legs a little fresh with turnover and myself from getting board! 

Long version of why I am going back to base training! I’m ready and excited to get started!!

Where are you at in your training?! 

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