Training Log

Weekly Training Log: January 9th-15th, 2023

January 9th:

Run: Easy 3.1 Miles

Treadmill Distance: 3.1 Miles
Treadmill Pace: 10:54

Recap: Back to morning miles! Felt amazing. Something about the morning miles just hits different! I did an easy 3 to ease back into things. I took a few days off again to let my leg rest. I was hyper aware of it today, and it was a little tight but nothing crazy or painful. I’ll take each run easy and one day at a time until I feel 100%. Spend the rest of the day walking around Disney World!

January 10th:


Treadmill Distance: 3.1 Miles
Treadmill Pace: Mile 1&2: 10:46 Mile 3: Between 10:15-8:34

Recap: More Morning Miles! Run felt nice and easy. I did the first two miles at a 1% incline, which actually felt great. I need to start adding in some more variety of incline into my runs. My Florida runs have been becoming a little too flat!

January 11th: 

Cross training- 15mins on the Bike and quick 10min lift.

Recap: Kept things easy and simple for a quick cross training session and lift. 

January 12th: 

Run: Progression Run! 
Half Mile Increments. Increased 0.2mph on Treadmill. Switched between 0% and 1% incline every 0.1miles. 
0.5- 10:31 (Treadmill Speed: 5.7), 0.5 – 10:10 (5.9), 0.5 -9:50 (6.1), 0.5 -9:31 (6.3), 0.5 9:13 (6.5), 0.5 8:57 (6.7), 0.5 8:41 (6.9), 0.5 – 10:31 (5.7)

Recap: Didn’t think today was going to go well. Didn’t sleep great and when my alarm went off at 4:15am my toddler woke up at 4:16am. Failed morning run, but got it done this afternoon! I wanted to something quicker than an easy run, so opted for a very mild progression run. Perfect! 

Overall it felt easy. I love that for me. 

January 13th: 

Run: Easy Run 

Recap: Kept things short and sweet. Two easy miles on the treadmill. My stomach was a little off from something I ate last night so I kept things slow and simple. 

January 14th: 

Run: Saturday Easy 5k! 

Recap: Kept things nice and easy again today. Was going to go long this morning, but it was in the 30s in Florida and that’s just a no for me. 

Opted for a slow 5k at night on the treadmill! It felt easy and I felt strong. I’ll take it! 

Itching to start a full training plan soon. Giving my leg a few more days or weeks to fully heal up! 

January 15th:

Run: Easy 2 Miles

Recap: Easy treadmill run. My leg is feeling pretty good, hopefully one more week and I’ll be ready to start easing into a full training plan. Fingers crossed!

Overall a Great Week!

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