Training Log

Weekly Training Log: January 16th-22nd, 2023

January 16th: Off

Recap: Decided that an off day was best. Was going to take my run outside in the afternoon, but after a long day I decided an off day was best for the mind and body.

January 17th:

Workout: Easy Morning 5k

Recap: Morning run was back! I stick to there is nothing better! I did an easy 3 miles on the treadmill. I ended the evening with a full body lift. My original goal for the new year was to focus on lifting first, running second. Well my mental health keeps choosing running. In this stage I’m going to put running back first and make it a point to strength train at least twice a week. Keeping things full-body focused and runner specific. 

January 18th:

Workout: Easy 3 Miles + 10min Lift

Recap: Running felt hard today. Not sure why, but it was definitely an off day. I’m glad I finished the run, but had a few walking breaks and lots of changes of speed to push to the end

January 19th: Off

January 20th:

Workout: 2 Mile Run. 10 Min Incline Walk. 5min Lift

Recap: I felt very off yesterday and opted to skip my afternoon run as planned. I regretted that! So when I didn’t want to wake up this morning I knew I would regret it if I didn’t. Running in the morning, even just a couple miles makes the whole day better. More importantly it makes me a better mother!  Overall this morning was great mix and an easy workout. 

January 21st:

Workout: 3.1 Mile Run. 1 Mile Walk

Recap: I felt amazing today! I was able to get outside for a run. The weather was pretty perfect. Long sleeve shirt and shorts. I decided to run by pure feeling and try not to look at my watch. Ended up being faster than I thought was I was capable in my “comfortable” range. Love that for me! 

January 22nd: Off

Future: I am going to start my new training plan Feb 6th! I am in the process of writing it. Back to building mileage while focusing on speed work to try and break 20 in the 5k. Well I guess break 25min first! Baby steps first! 

More Training Logs HERE

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