Training Log

Weekly Training Log: December 26th, 2022 – January 1st, 2023

December 26th: 

Strength Workout – Legs & Pelvic Floor Abs

Run – Sprints on Treadmill: 1 Mile Warm Up, 1 Mile 1min Sprint/1min Jog , 1  Mile Cool Down 

Recap: Starting fresh today. Focus is on strength first. But keeping current endurance and keeping small speed work sessions. Trying to make my body stronger to hopefully allow it to handle more speed and miles! Finally a workout with no pain! Still going to ease into thing. Keeping my speed work on the “easier” side for now, but still adding some pickups to the legs! 

December 27th:

Started Low-FODMAP diet at my doctors recommendation to see if it will help me absorb B12.

Strength Workout – Upper Body Push Day

Run- 3.2 Miles @ 9:19 pace

Recap:Lift went good, it will take me a while to get into the mindset of lifting first then running. Lifting being a priority isn’t normal for me. However, I know it will benefit my fall plans so I’m going to stick with it for a minimum of 6 weeks. I ran immediately after lifting and I surprisingly felt amazing. Could be a combination of diet, weather, having been warmed up, whatever it was I felt great! 

December 28th: 

Running Off Day! Easy Full Body Lift with Pelvic Floor Abs and 5mins on the Bike. 

December 29th: 

Strength: Upper Body Pull Lift

Run: Tempo Run (0.5Mile Warm-Up, 2 Miles at 8:34 Pace – Last 0.5Mile at 8:30 Pace, 0.5Mile Cool-Down)

Recap: Almost skipped my workout today. With starting the new elimination diet (Low FODMAP, to figure out my B12 issues), I am still figuring out calories. I am definitely not eating enough. I am SO GLAD I decided that “something was better than nothing” and to get out for consistency sake. My upper body pull lift felt great! And my run felt amazing! I jumped on the treadmill and was planning to run slow for, as long as, I felt like it. I ended up with a tempo workout (which was on my training plan for today) 

December 30th: 

Lift: Opted for Just Pelvic Floor Abs

Run: Short Easy Run. Went for a 3 Mile Morning Walk

Recap: Very easy day today. I was planning to go a little longer, but I went on a 3 mile walk this morning with the kids so I kept it short and slow this afternoon. I followed up the run with some pelvic floor abs. When I am consistent with pelvic floor ab work I can tell a hugeee difference. Keeping on top of it for the next few weeks. 

December 31: 

Long Run Saturday! 6.5 Miles @ 10:07 pace. 

Recap: I think I bit off a little more than my body had this morning. I have been eating lower calorie because of the elimination diet, and I should have done a better job taking that into account. But I was craving a long run so I went for it. My right glute seem to stop activating at about mile four, which hasn’t happened to me that often. I did a walk/run to finish after that. Probably need to start doing activation exercises. My right quad seem to be doing a lot of work, and then my right leg was sore for the remainder of the day. Not sure what is up.

January 1st: 

Happy New Year! Easy Run: 2 Miles

Recap: Ended off the week with an easy run. I started outside and finished on the treadmill because I was running a little too fast outside. I like the treadmill to keep me controlled. My right leg felt better today, I’m still confused and not entirely sure it’s an injury. Currently testing out different shoes and arch supports to see if that helps. Overall it was a successful day. One more week of the elimination diet. I’m excited to add back more calories and get back to harder training. Really hoping these two weeks help with my B12 absorption! 

Overall it was a very solid week of training. Still need to take it easy and figure out what is really going on with my right side. There are many options it could be, but until its 100% I will keep things on the easier side.

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