Training Plans

Weekly Recap – Jan 8th – 14th

Week 2 has started! This week had some ups and downs, but overall it was a great mix of good running, fun adventures and productivity!

Last Weeks Training HERE

Monday, January 8th


Mondays are technically my rest days on my current training plan. After reviewing previous training logs to see where things went wrong in my years of yo-yo training. It became obvious that when I planned to take a day completely off each week, I moved it around often and used it as an excuse. If the plan was an off day for Thursday and Monday wasn’t going well I would tell myself I can just switch it up. Then I would end up also taking Thursday off and it would just snowball.

This time I’m going to keep active rest days a thing. Usually if I’m going to switch up a workout for an active rest day, I end up just doing the workout as planned. If my body feels like it needs a complete rest day, I will just go on a short walk. 

Today I did 30mins of low impact easy cycling! I have been using the Peloton app but today I just decided to do an open run and watch a show. Just what I needed!

Tuesday January 9th 


Today started rough! We have had back and forth sick kids for what feels like years at the point, but definitely months. We haven’t really been sleeping through the night and everyone has been a little cranky! I woke up with a small sore throat, and I was not at all happy and definitely grumpy about it. 

I was going to use it all as an excuse to just call it a rest day and say “my body needs the rest” but I knew that was just an excuse and not really the truth. 

I made the workout happen. Took my kids to school and went before the bad case of the wind and rain rolled in. 

10min Warm-Up 

30min Run with 3x4min at Tempo. 

I didn’t look at my watch once this run. It was amazing! I am a stats person to my core. Give me all the stats! I switched to the Apple Watch last year to get away from the more accurate stats of my Garmin. I knew I needed to distance myself. BUT I was still addicted to the small stats I had. With this training plan I decided to start a program on the Peloton App. Either I don’t know how to find them/interpret them, or they don’t have many stats, either way it has been refreshing to just run with someone telling me when over my headphones. There is a time and a place for stats and I am not there yet. I will get back though! Peloton is serving its purpose for me right now.

With that said I would love to find an app with coaches who talk me through runs and workouts that are more structured and geared towards different levels. Peloton is great for right now, but it doesn’t feel like it is created for runners and the classes are kind of mismatched and thrown together to say they have “programs”. Maybe I will create one when I have some more free time, because the in-ear live coaching part is great!

The wind was pretty crazy, but the workout was solid! According to the minimal stats I have it was an improvement from last week. I’ll take it. 

Wednesday January 10th


My youngest didn’t have school today so after drop off of my oldest we took a 2 mile walk with an intermission at the park to run around. It was a great way to start the morning. One on one time is always a fun treat! Every time I get out and walk with the kids, or walk with a stop at the playground in the morning I always say we need to do it more often. The kids are so much more well behaved when we get outside in the mornings!

The afternoon consisted of lots of playing, fixing up our new garden, and some baking! It was a very solid Wednesday. Part relaxing part productive. 

I then mustered up all the energy I could to get in a 30min strength for runners class. It was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. I have been dreading my lifts lately and I know it is because I am opting to sleep in instead and do the lift around dinner time. I need to get better at waking up and getting the lift in first thing! 

Thursday January 11th


Today was a good mix of productivity and fun! These are the best kind of days for me. Being a stay at home mom has always been a little hard for me. Starting to work part-time has been the best thing I have done! Makes me a better mom and a happier person!

I started the morning getting the kids to school. This is always fun, when both kids go to school one drop off is at 7:40am and the other is at 9am. Not ideal, but we make it work! After drop off I was able to fit in a run. 

10min Warm-Up

30min Run with 2x7min PickUps

The warm-up for this run felt terrible. I didn’t think I was going to be able to finish. The second pickup was hard after minute one. Proud of myself for sticking with it and finishing the workout! It felt good once the run was over!

The rest of the day was gloomy and we ended up being stuck inside playing. I was very glad that I decided to get my run in early. The weather has been so bad lately, being able to sneak in a run when the weather was pretty decent was luxury I am not taking for granted!

Friday January 12th 


I finally got myself out of bed early and started off the morning with 30min Strength! Best gift to me is that both kids slept in! I didn’t start the workout until after 5am and was still able to lift and have a cup of coffee before anyone woke up! Perfect morning for me!

We have plans to take a road trip for the holiday weekend and I won’t have any time to sneak out for a run. So I moved some things around. I did two workouts today so I could take a day off on Sunday. 

I snuck in a 20min recovery run before school pick up of my oldest. The run was in the rain, with the jogging stroller, and it was miserable! But we made it, and I am stronger for it!

Saturday January 13th

I really wanted to get my long run in before our road trip. I woke up to thunderstorms. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I knew I might have to run in rain, but the thunder and lighting killed my morning run. 

I made decision in that moment that I wasn’t going to let it get me down. In the past this type of thing would have ended my training plan. I would have taken weeks off and then started over. I vowed that wouldn’t happen this time.

Decided that I would be active with the kids over the next few days and get back after it when I return on Monday! 

We made up for it with a stop at Buc-ee’s! 

Sunday January 14th 

Another off day. But we made it active! First a walk to the park, running around with the kids and then a trip to the beach for some more running around. 

The whole day was unplugged visiting family and it was amazing!

I will say I am proud of myself for still being excited about training after a few days off! Progress is being made!

Excited about Week 3!

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