Training Log

Week 2 Recap!

This week was a mix between great and rough running wise, life wise too I guess. The week started out strong. Thursday morning I woke up feeling a little sick, but I thought it was allergies. Over the course of the day it escalated quickly and it ended up being the worst head cold I have had in years! My cold lingered through the weekend. By Saturday morning all four of us in the house were sick. I still managed to hit the weekly mileage with some extra slow easy treadmill runs, and an extra day off. I am really proud of this week. Both listening to my body and making adjustments to still hit my goals in a smart way!

Monday – 3 Miles & Lift

week 2 recap - Monday

Tuesday – 2.5 Miles & Pelvic Floor Abs

Week 2 Recap - Tuesday

Wednesday – 3 Miles (1.5miles at Tempo Pace) & Strength for Runners (Peloton App)

Week 2 Recap - Wed

Thursday – Off. Sick Day!

Friday – Pelvic Floor Abs

Saturday – 4.5 Miles

Week 2 Recap - Saturday

Sunday – 3.5 Miles


Total: 16.5 Miles 

Next Week we move to 18 Miles!

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