Training Log

Walk Bike and Lift 

Today was supposed to be a speed day. A toddler up all night and slight dehydration after my easy run caused a change of plans.

Walk, Bike and Lift  Walk Stats

I spent the morning deep cleaning the house. Once the kids started to get too restless we went for a walk. I was a little over 1.5 miles out on the trail, when I noticed the tire of the double stroller. The walk home was a struggle. 

Walk, Bike and Lift . Bike Stats

I ended the night with a bike ride and a lift. It was my first ride with the Apple fitness app. It was different than peloton but was still a good workout. This particular workout was all intervals 20seconds on 20second off. Great workout. 

Walk, Bike and Lift . Lift Stats

I followed it up with the three compound lifts. Squats, deadlifts, and bench press all 3×8. I superset each set with pelvic floor abs. Strength training and pelvic floor abs have really changed my running. I need to keep making them a priority. 

Tomorrow is speed work day! 

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