Training Log

Unexpected Day Off

Welp. It ended up being an off day. Not what I wanted, but that’s how the day played out. The kids were up early so I couldn’t do a morning run, and then it was thunderstorms when I had an open window. Our treadmill is in the garage so I didn’t think it would be safe to run on during the thunder and lighting. The storms were expected to last until 9pm. 

I’m bummed. I really wanted to get a run in today. Not sure how I’m going to change up the training plan for the rest of the week. 

I have a 5k race on Sunday, I think we are just running it semi-slow as a family, but I still don’t want to be super sore for it. 

Today was supposed to be five miles, tomorrow off, Saturday 6 or 7 miles and Sunday the 5k. 

I am thinking I might suck it up and just get the mileage in, switching my off day from tomorrow to today… Or do my 5 miles from today tomorrow morning. Then 4 miles Saturday morning. Then on Sunday run the 5k in the morning and 3 miles later that night. I will probably go with the second choice, but I’m going to sleep ok it.

On the plus side. I did get in a short walk this afternoon with the kids. So my unexpected off day, was still a semi active rest day. 

Unexpected Day Off. walking stats

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