Training Log

Two Sick Kids & 3 Mile Run 

Morning started with two sick kids and ended with a 3 mile run. 

We woke up to one child with a bad fever and one with a mild one. There must be something going around. It’s been a rough couple days in our house. I’m ready for sleep again! 

I laid around with the kids for most of the day. Lots of extra cuddles and attention. 

I planned on a five mile long run this morning, but mom duty was needed instead. When I was able to get out for a run, I didn’t want to push it too much in the heat. It’s hard to judge if you are going to be next with the sickness. With the limited sleep and recovery I have been getting I didn’t want to push my body further and risk getting sick. I did three miles, ran the first mile and walk/ran the second and third. Just what I needed. 

Two Sick Kids & 3 Mile Run Stats

A fun surprise that has come with the weather change. My easy pace is way faster than I was expecting it to be. I knew it would be faster, but what feels comfortable and sustainable has been a pleasant surprise. I still have a long way to go with my 5k goal, but I’m excited to work towards it. 

Hopefully we all wake up feeling 100% tomorrow! (And that we all sleep through the night!) 

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