Training Log

Treadmill Long Run

I delayed my long run for longer than I should have and then the day got away from me. 

I was planning to get up early to run before the rest of the house woke up. Morning workouts have been hit or miss these days. Daylight saving change is still killing our sleep schedule over here in toddler land. Both my kids having adjusted to a later wake up time. I set my alarm and if they are making any noise when I wake up I know it’s not worth it to even attempt a run. 

Treadmill Long Run Stats

I finally mustered up the energy to get out on the treadmill around 9ish. It was a gloomy and windy day so I decided watching some tv and busting out some treadmill miles was best. My plan was to get started and see how I feel. Either split up my long run in the morning and at night, or get as many miles in as I can. I was pleasantly surprised when I was feeling great. 

Treadmill Long Run Splits

The first four miles flew by, I started to get bored so I switched to come running YouTube videos and that pushed me to finish six. Negative splitting each mile! I call that a win! I could have probably gone longer than six but I was starting to feel the treadmill running in my lower back and didn’t want to push it to far. Six miles is a solid long run! 

I have said this a million times, but I am loving the process of this training. Finally getting back into shape and doing consistent speed work has been AMAZING! 

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