Training Log

Time Trial: The Starting Point! 

Time trial morning. I did a four minute warm up. A 3.11 mile run (a mistake when I created the workout!) Then a 10min mostly waking cool-down. 

Time Trial: The Starting Point! 

It felt good and hard at the same time. The first half felt great. The second half felt hard but I still felt strong. I did stop for two or three very quick walk breaks when I felt like I couldn’t sustain the pace. I need to get better at just slowing down the pace instead. 

There was some obstacles on the path because of the hurricane winds from the previous two days, so I had to slow down a few times for that. 

I am not completely sure of my time goal yet, but I think I am going to be aggressive with the goal and smart with the training. Take it as slow as needed, but click away minute after minute.

Need to spend some time tonight and tomorrow looking at different pace calculators to help give me an idea of what I should run my tempo runs and

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