
Gratitude Gains: A Thanksgiving Workout for a Healthy Holiday

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of delicious meals and quality time with loved ones. However, staying active during the holiday season is essential for maintaining your well-being. This Thanksgiving, embrace a fitness routine that complements the festivities with our at-home workout. Let’s dive into a routine that will not only keep you moving but also allow you to express gratitude for your health.

Gratitude Gains: A Thanksgiving Workout for a Healthy Holiday

Workout Details!

Turkey Lunges: Giving Thanks with Every Step

Start your Thanksgiving workout with Turkey Lunges. Imagine holding a turkey in each hand as you alternate lunges. This exercise not only targets your legs and glutes but also serves as a reminder to be thankful for the strength and mobility of your body. Complete three sets of 12 lunges per leg, feeling the burn and expressing gratitude for the ability to move freely.

Pumpkin Squats: Embracing the Weight of Gratitude

Hold a pumpkin (or dumbbell) close to your chest and engage in Pumpkin Squats. As you lower into a squat position, reflect on the things you’re thankful for. The added weight symbolizes the burdens we carry and the strength required to overcome them. Perform three sets of 15 squats, appreciating the resilience that lies within you.

Cranberry Plank Twists: Core Strength and Gratitude Unleashed

Transition to Cranberry Plank Twists to engage your core. In a plank position, bring your knee towards your opposite elbow, alternating sides. As you twist, contemplate the blessings in your life. Feel the connection between your physical strength and the gratitude you hold. Complete three sets of 20 twists (10 per side) to enhance your core and acknowledge the stability in your world.

Sweet Potato Push-Ups: Rising Strong with Thankfulness

Move on to Sweet Potato Push-Ups, a challenging exercise that builds upper body strength. Lower your chest towards the ground and push back up, embodying the idea of rising strong. For an added challenge, lift one leg during each push-up. Perform three sets of 12 push-ups, recognizing the power within you to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Gratitude Jumping Jacks: Celebrating Joyful Movement

Finish your Thanksgiving workout with Gratitude Jumping Jacks. Perform this classic exercise while focusing on things you’re grateful for with each repetition. This mindful movement will not only elevate your heart rate but also fill your heart with appreciation. Aim for three sets of one minute each, savoring the joy of movement and gratitude.

This Thanksgiving, embrace a holistic approach to health by combining festive cheer with a heart-pumping bodyweight workout. As you move through each exercise, take a moment to express gratitude for the strength, resilience, and joy that your body brings. With this workout, you’re not just sculpting your body; you’re sculpting a mindset of gratitude and well-being. Happy Thanksgiving, and may your holiday be filled with both gratitude and gains!

More Workouts Here

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