Training Log

Tempo Monday

I forgot Monday was Halloween until it was too late to do a morning workout. Fail. I opted for a little bit of a shorter tempo run on the treadmill after trick or treating with the kids. I surprisingly felt pretty decent. 

Tempo Monday
Treadmill Run. Stats aren’t accurate. (10min Tempo at 8:34 pace)
Tempo Monday Bike Ride

I did a five minute warm-up at about 10:30 pace and then a 10 minute tempo run at 8:34 pace followed by a five minute cool down at 10:00 pace. I followed up the run with about 9 minutes on the bike. I have added in some biking after runs recently to help with increasing my cadence. It is yet to be determined if it is working. I need to pay a little bit more focus on my cadence during runs. 

Overall I am proud of myself for making time to get the workout in, even if it was a little shorter than expected. 

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