Training Log

Swim Workout & Bike Bootcamp

We spent the morning by the pool before the afternoon storms rolled in. I took advantage of that time. While the kids were playing I alternated between swimming laps and aqua jogging for 30mins. It was a pretty good workout. I’m enjoying being able to throw in some pool workouts here and there. 

Swim Workout & Bike Bootcamp Swim Stats

I still wanted to get in some lifting and raise my heart rate a little, so I opted for a 30min Bike Bootcamp class on the peloton app. 

Bike Workout

I have said this a few times before, but I am not only enjoying this current training plan, I am proud of myself for the plan I created. I was self doubting myself on if I could put into practice what I have learned from my certifications and previous experience for myself. I have done it for others in the past, but it’s always been collaborative, we worked together to create a great plan for them. This time it was all me, and I have learned and now believe I am qualified.

That’s been a fun realization of this training block. I’m excited to finish this base training block and move into a more race specific training block! 

More Full Commitment Base Training: HERE

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