Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Sickness and Long Run

Today consisted of sickness and a long run. The dreaded head cold is going through our house. I have been lucky enough to have bypassed the last few sicknesses that went through the house. This time it got me first. I was knocked down for a good 48 hours.


It was probably the worst head cold I have had in forever. I contemplated a run yesterday, because you always hear that if it’s in your head exercise can help. Well I finally decided I felt so awful that I went to bed at 6:30 instead. 

Today I’m just a little stuffy, but the foggy mind and sore throat are gone! It’s now onto the husband and one toddler. Reallyyy hoping the other toddler doesn’t get it next! 

Long run!

I decided to hit the treadmill after the kids bed time and just run really slow until I felt like stopping. I ended up running 4.5 miles. The run felt amazing! 

Overall the sickness and long run was a mix of good and bad. Hoping to wake up tomorrow feeling 100%. 

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