Running for Beginners - 12 Week Plan

Running for Beginners – Week 2 Day 2

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Today’s Workout: Week 2 Day 2 – EMOM


  1. Start a Timer (There are many free apps you can download, HERE is the one I use. I use the free version)
  2. Complete minute 1 Exercise, then rest until the minute is over. 
  3. At minute 2, complete minute 2 exercise and then rest until the minute is over. 
  4. Repeat the same until all five exercises are complete. 
  5. Repeat the entire workout five times for a 25 minute workout. 

**You will notice this workout is the same as last week, the difference is the amount of reps each minute. That is the built in progressive overload to allow us to gain muscle and use our strength to be better runners!

Running for Beginners - Week 2 Day 2 workout

**This training plan includes a running portion, as well as, a lifting portion. Both sections will increase as the training plan progresses. The Run/Walk intervals will change overtime to increase running intervals. The lifting workouts will have a progressive overload to help progress with strength. The EMOM workouts will remain close and consistent, with small changes to track progress. 

If you have any questions or want a more customized workout plan (for Free), e-mail us at RunLiftBalance(at)

All Running for Beginners Free Training Plan Posts HERE

Full 8 Week Training Plan with Lifting for Beginners HERE

Pinterest Workouts HERE