
Running and Lifting Circuit – Full Body (Dumbbell Only!)

Running and Lifting Circuit Training Workout! Combining Running and Strength Training into the same workout is a super effective way to increase both aerobic endurance and overall strength.

This particular workout combines speed work with dumbbell only full body lift. I prefer to do my circuits on the treadmill and with a full body strength routine. To me I seem to get the best workout. If you prefer to split up lower body and upper body. Here & Here are Upper Body Circuit. Lower Body is coming soon!

A Running and Lifting Circuit Workout can provide you with an amazing workout in a short amount of time. Perfect if you are short on time!

**remember a proper warm-up and cool-down are important! A proper warm-up is important, it allows your body and muscles to gradually increase body temperature. A proper cool-down is equally as important. It allows your blood pressure and heart rate to get back to pre-exercising levels. Both lower the risk in injury!

Running & Lifting Circuit Workout.

*if you have questions or need videos/pictures of form, don’t hesitate to reach out! Comment below or email at runliftbalance(at)

For More Running and Lifting Circuit Workouts Click Here, Here & Here

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