Training Log

Rest Day & Faster After Kids

Today was a rest day. My mind and body needed it. I haven’t slept great in the last few weeks. With the kids being sick, a few days of solo parenting and a little extra life stress my body needed it. 

Rest Day Walk Stats

I did take the kids on an extra slow three mile walk. The main reason for the walk was to get at least one of the kids a nap. It was mission accomplished! 

Tomorrow is a speed workout and I can’t wait! 

Faster AFTER Kids. Moms Are Superhuman.

I honestly believe that my fastest times are ahead of me. I might have to move up in distance…from my 800 meter track days… but I do think I have a lot of PRs in my future. 

Motherhood makes you superhuman. You learn to multitask like it’s second nature. Going with the flow is nothing out of the ordinary. With little and broken sleep, you can still function and operate above the normal human! 

Something about motherhood makes you stronger, wiser, more resilient, and most importantly your priorities are different. 


Running is something I do for myself. It makes me a better mom. It makes me a better person if we are being completely honest. If I am going to spend time away from my kids and family I’m going to be intentional about it. I am going to make the most of my time to myself and the time I have to train. 

After I am intentional about my training. I come home and my priorities shift instantly back into mom/family mode. You can’t dwell on a bad workout or celebrate the wins too much. It puts everything into perspective. 

Moms are superhuman and it shows in running! 

Do you feel the same way?

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