Training Log

Resetting and Getting Back Focused. 

The last few days were perfect for resetting and getting back focused. I have spent time tonight writing out my training plan from tomorrow until my 5k on Thanksgiving. Life has been crazy, between visitors, and camping. It was time to reset and be present with the kids. I did stay consistent. I still ran easy and walked a lot. I don’t feel like I gained any fitness in the past few days, but I don’t think I lost any either. 

Resetting and Getting Back Focused.

Friday: after a day at Disney my legs were sore and my body was tired. Then we packed it up and headed to the campground. I did get in a quick run. I did tempo intervals. I’m not sure that’s even a workout. I did a run/walk. The running parts were at tempo pace. It was a good mix of easy and fast. Something was better than nothing. 

Saturday: We did a lot of walking. Around the campground. To the beach. A lot of movement. I opted to not run. After a night of broken sleep and chasing kids all day my body wasn’t ready to run. 

Sunday: Camping was super relaxing and amazing. Just what the sole needed. Then Sunday turned out to be a little stressful because of various reasons. I was going to take the day off because timing wasn’t working out. We got home earlier than I was expected. I was about to sneak in a short treadmill run and a slow bike ride. Just what the mind needed. 

Resetting and Getting Back Focused.
Resetting and Getting Back Focused.

I’m excited and ready to get back to it. I have a lot of work to start clicking time off. I’m ready to get moving! 

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