
Post-Run EMOM Bodyweight Workout: Boost Your Fitness in Just 15 Minutes!

Strength training is important for runners. If you are short on time it can be best to sneak in a quick workout after your next run. 

Enter the EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) routine – a quick, efficient, and effective way to enhance your strength and stamina. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through a 15-minute post-run EMOM bodyweight workout designed specifically for runners.


If you aren’t doing this workout after a run. Start with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your muscles for the upcoming workout. Incorporate leg swings, arm circles, and a light jog in place for about 3-5 minutes.

The Workout:

Set a timer for 15 minutes, and get ready to tackle each exercise at the beginning of every minute. Adjust the repetitions based on your fitness level, aiming to complete each set within the minute.

1. Minute 1: 10 Bodyweight Squats

2. Minute 2: 15 Push-ups

3. Minute 3: 20 Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

4. Minute 4: 15 Mountain Climbers

5. Minute 5: 10 Burpees

6. Minute 6: 30 seconds Plank

7. Minute 7: 20 Jumping Jacks

8. Minute 8: 12 Tricep Dips

9. Minute 9: 15 Jump Squats

10. Minute 10: 20 Bicycle Crunches

11. Minute 11: 10 Push-ups

12. Minute 12: 20 Reverse Lunges (10 per leg)

13. Minute 13: 30 seconds Side Plank (each side)

14. Minute 14: 15 High Knees

15. Minute 15: 10 Burpees

Take a few minutes to cool down and stretch your muscles. Focus on areas like your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and upper body. Incorporate static stretches and deep breaths to aid recovery.

This 15-minute post-run EMOM bodyweight workout is a fantastic way to maximize your time and boost overall fitness. Remember to listen to your body, modify exercises as needed, and gradually increase intensity as you become more comfortable with the routine. Make it a regular addition to your post-run routine, and watch your strength and endurance soar.

Happy running and lifting!

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