Lauren's Journal

Off Day and Potential Injury Update

Today started off with a nice cup of coffee. I back to a basic coffee maker and this morning was my first morning using it. It really hit the spot. The little things in life!

Off Day Morning Coffee

I went down a little bit of a rabbit hole last night on google, which I don’t recommend, but I will continue to do. I like to learn things the hard way! After some research, it looks like my right leg problem could be a mild case of Achilles Tendinitis. Which is not ideal. However, from what I ready it looks like I may have caught it early and I don’t need to completely shut things down just yet. I think everything on my right side is extremely tight because of the current treadmill I am using. I am hoping when we move a different location for the treadmill on a more even surface will help. Or a new treadmill would be ideal. (I will keep dreaming!) 

I am going to try doing some exercises specifically for Achilles tendinitis and see if they help. I am going to continue running, but back off speed work for now and keep things nice and easy. I will also be adding in more biking to supplement my running. I have said this a million times before, but I also really need to stick with three days a week weight training. It is important and something I actually enjoy, but usually only have time for one. As much as it isn’t ideal, I think I need to do my run in the morning and lift in the afternoon. My new idea is to get the kiddos involved. We can all lift together! In a perfect world that would be amazing, in reality it might be a disaster, but we are going to give it a try!

Below is a list of exercises I am going to try twice a day, along with stretching my calf and using the massage gun and foam roller. 

Single Leg Heel Raise with Isometric Hold

Single Leg Calf Raise Lowering Slow

Single Leg Calf Raise with Weight Shift

Double Leg Calf Raise 

Single Leg Calf Raise 

Heavy Slow Resistance

Leaning Wall Single Leg Calf Raise 

**I am using this YouTube Video as a guide.

Injury Update Recovery Time

I decided to give my leg one more day of rest. I am going to start up tomorrow with a run and a lift and see how I feel. If/when a run gets uncomfortable I will move to the bike or walk/run when I can. The goal is to play it smart while I am in a build-up. I want to start adding in speed and getting back into racing soon and I want to do that healthy and pain free. 

All that said. I am frustrated and annoyed. BUT I know that this training plan is easing up mileage slowly and safely. I just need to do a better job at looking at my biofeedback marks. I should have lowered intensity and mileage when my sleep was suffering. Moving forward I will take that into account week to week and I will also hyper focus on diet to aid in recovery. That is also a major downfall for me, and I know I need to do better. 

After spending the morning watching the Boston Marathon and then the afternoon watching Excited to run in the morning! Fingers crossed it feels good!

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