Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: My Why.

To show up for myself. To feel better. To prove to myself that I can still be in great shape as a Mom of 2 kids under the age of two.

I have always been an athlete. A runner. I have always identified as that.

I then got into a car accident May of 2017. I injured my upper back. It was muscular and no doctor could really tell me what was wrong. I became frustrated, in pain, and gave up on the idea of being a competitive athlete again.

About a year later, with very minimal exercise tolerated and hours about hours spent at all kinds of doctors. I started to feel better. The pain would come and go instead of being constant. To me this was the improvement I needed. I could “live with it,” as long as, it wasn’t a constant pain.

At this point in my life I had been married for a year, and I had pretty much given up on my competitive running days. We decided it was a good time to start a family.

Fast forward to January 11th, 2021.

I have two amazing little boys. 23 Months (on the 14th) and 3 Months (will be 4 months on the 30th).

I’m ready. Ready to get my body back. Ready to show up for myself. Ready to feel better.

I had gestational diabetes during both of my pregnancies and I’m not sure it fully went away. I never did the retest after my first child, and, still need to schedule blood work to test for type 2 diabetes after my second child.

I am ready to change my diet, get back into a solid workout routine and start showing up for myself.

It’s so easy to lose yourself in motherhood and the craziness of life, and I did just that. It would be nice to lose some weight and gain some muscle but I’m looking for more of a mental shift. I’m ready to be proud of myself again.

This journal is to hold myself accountable and to be able to look back at my journey when things get tough!


  • Katie

    I’m with you when you say that losing weight & gaining muscle is nice, but a mental shift is the real deal. Since going through fertility treatments for several years and becoming a mom, I feel like I’ve never gotten back to being ME. Best of luck on your journey! And remember: strive for progress, not perfection.

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