Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Morning Workout and Disney

Started the day with a morning workout, ended the day Disney. Solid day. 

4:15am wake up call. I definitely had the internal struggle this morning of if I wanted to get up or take the day as my rest day and run tomorrow instead. I decided that after a day at Disney I’m going to want the morning off tomorrow. 

Three treadmill miles with some at tempo pace. I’m adding in some speed throughout my base training, to avoid getting bored and keep my body ready for some turn over. In the past that has worked well for me. Anything small I can add that will keep me moving along in this training plan I will do. I am determined to get out of the yo-yo training and really push through and get a great base to start racing! 

My run started off as a struggle then ended up feeling pretty awesome. I followed up the run with a peloton 15min Strength for Runners class. Loved it. I can’t wait till I have  a few moments of free time to write myself a full strength for runners plan. Until then I will keep doing these quick classes when I have time. 

I was able to run, lift, shower and drink a cup of coffee all before anyone else woke up. Perfect morning for me! 

We then headed to Disney for the day. Animal Kingdom! 

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