Training Log

Morning Tempo Run

Got out earlier for a morning tempo run this morning. I have 30minutes total with a 15min tempo in the middle. Goal was 9:40 pace for the tempo. I failed that again. However I felt strong. I did have to walk some of the cool down. If I stayed on the appropriate pace I probably would have been able to finish the full cool down. Either way I am happy with the effort today. 

Morning Tempo Run Stats

I am starting to think I was a little off with my time trial based on my workout efforts. The times I’m running feel hard but not impossible. This could be for multiple reasons. During the time trial I was definitely dehydrated and it was after a week off of steady running. The other reason could be because the weather has changed. When I did the time trial it was still pretty humid. Weather now is much cooler and way less humid. Either way I’m feeling good and surprised with how things are going. 

Only thing that is a must, is I need to SLOW DOWN on my easy runs before I burn out. 

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