
Lower Body EMOM Add on for Runners

Lower Body EMOM workout for runners to add on after their next run.

Fifteen minutes of strength work 2-3x a week can make a big difference in your running. Stronger correlates with faster, and strength work helps to lower the risk of injury. 

(15min Interval Timer HERE!) *there are also a lot of free interval apps you can download, or use the stopwatch on your phone or watch).

If you have never done an EMOM style workout. See the directions below.

Lower Body EMOM Add on for Runners


  1. Start a Timer (See Link Above, Use Stopwatch, or download phone app)
  2. Complete minute 1 Exercise, then rest until the minute is over. 
  3. At minute 2, complete minute 2 exercise and then rest until the minute is over. 
  4. Repeat the same until all exercises are complete. 
  5. Repeat the entire workout for as many rounds as specified.

If you give it a try, let us know! 

Just like this lower body EMOM for runners add on, all EMOM workouts are a great and easy way to add strength training to your running schedule. Do a bodyweight workout while watching tv at night, during nap time, or include your kids in on the fun!

More EMOMs Here

More Workouts Here

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